Gáisi Språksenter presenterer – Gabba

Gaisi Språksenter presenterer

Gáisi Språksenter presenterer – Gabba

Gabba, which translates to «Ivory-coated Reindeer» in Sami, is a Sami band that seamlessly blends traditional yoik with influences from Norwegian folk music, Americana, and other «world musics.» Their music is a reflection of the Sami people’s lifestyle, with each song transporting the listener to the vast landscapes of the Arctic region.

The yoik master John André Eira from Mazé, Guovdageaidnu, brings his ancestral legacy and original compositions to Gabba’s music, creating a sound that is both haunting and captivating. The unique and innovative interplay in the band is due to the fact that the musicians live together and play in multiple bands (Svarte Svaner, Tæladylju).

Listeners and concert-goers can expect an authentic music experience full of youthful energy.

Praktisk informasjon

Dette arrangementet er alkoholfritt og har fri aldersgrense.